Undoubtedly, E-commerce has gained success post-pandemic and accelerated the pace of the market. It has completely changed how customers and businesses look for new products within the market.
As estimated by Shopify, Global e-commerce sales reached $5.7 trillion worldwide in 2022, making e-commerce a lucrative option for growing businesses. Today, every online business is leveraging the power of e-commerce platforms to stand out among others and reach their potential customers correctly.
The E-commerce industry is constantly changing, meeting the changing demands of businesses and customers, creating a bright future for e-commerce while entering 2023. If you have any new ideas, you can hire world-class eCommerce app developers to help ease the development process.
In this article, we have highlighted eCommerce trends for the upcoming year.
What does the future of eCommerce look like?
- The emergence of advanced marketing channels
The last year has been great for eCommerce, as it marked the introduction of several eCommerce marketing platforms, such as WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, etc. It lets the business run ads on various channels, social platforms, and others. Not only this, but with the live shopping feature, the e-commerce market is booming globally.
Every business that has leveraged such platforms has seen tremendous growth in their sales and traffic, driving their business.
- Leveraging the voice search.
Another exciting trend that comes to the surface is voice search which has seamlessly and efficiently improved customer engagement and advertising opportunities. This trend sits at the intersection of accelerating mobile use, innovative machine learning algorithms, and the improving relationship between people and technology.
Some commonly used examples are- Google Home, Homey, and Amazon Echo, commonly seen in every household. As suggested by Microsoft, almost 25% of the global online population is leveraging voice search on their mobile devices.
Another example of virtual assistants making people’s lives easier is that Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are embedded in many smartphones.
Businesses are finding new ways to adopt voice searches within their marketing strategies.
- Leaning into sustainability
Today, customers are getting more vocal about climate change, and companies are also finding new possible ways to develop sustainable strategies to help their businesses grow.
It is shown that the businesses that have kept the environment first have achieved faster growth and experienced about a 20 percent increase in conversion rates. Packaging commonly adopts such strategies companies who have adopted environment-friendly packaging to ensure customers are satisfied with their initiatives.
- Mobile is a new age.
The times are gone when people used to stick to their desktops all day to do online shopping. Everything has become more manageable with mobile devices. Thus, there was an urgent need to bring eCommerce platforms for mobile devices to improve customer engagement.
With various available platforms, plugins, tools, and functionalities, creating eCommerce apps has now easier. Besides this, businesses are staying on top of the desktop version as both hold importance in attracting and driving traffic to the business.
But, yes, mobile devices are outnumbering desktop versions.
- Personalization is the way to success.
As per Mckinsey, personalization is crucial in shaping customers’ buying behavior. With the constantly changing customer demand, it is challenging to understand what they expect from a brand. Thus, e-commerce companies are honing their customers’ shopping experiences by leveraging advanced algorithms to understand their behavior.
It lets businesses optimize their marketing strategies. Based on the insights, businesses are offering them products that interest them. This is where businesses implement personalization strategies to connect to their customers personally, like sending offers, new product ranges, and new campaigns, personally.
- Customer experience above all.
Providing the best customer experience is essential to keep your business in competition. Businesses invest the most in hiring excellent sales assistants who can guide their customers throughout their purchasing journey and make their they make the deal. Thus, businesses analyze their customers’ pre-purchase and post-purchase experiences to achieve success.
Thus businesses must user-test their sales channels and checkout flows with actual customers and traffic to understand the potential pain points that customers may have.
- Adopting AI and ML
Chatbots have been in the market for so long. They are constantly evolving by adopting AI and ML to be more competent in connecting with potential customers and helping them during their visits to the website. The latest trend every business is upto is AI-based chatbots that can seamlessly help customers achieve their goals on your site.
Many businesses that do not have 24×7 support are using AI-based chatbots to connect with customers at unusual times, offering human-like interaction and reducing the bounce rate.
These chatbots are gaining popularity for their benefits of instant connection with potential customers and knowing what they are upto.
- Enhancing the online shopping experience with Augmented reality
AR/VR has changed the game of eCommerce to a great extent and has improved the online shopping experience for everyone. With this technology, customers can see the chosen product in 3D for a better understanding of the product that they are buying. The industries that are genuinely leveraging its benefits are fashion and home decor.
Customers can be sure that the product is a good fit and is as expected.
Today, customers request Augmented Reality as part of their shopping experience. The survey of over 1,000 consumers estimated that 61% of customers prefer to shop at AR stores. The main benefit is that it keeps the customers engaged, make online products more tangible, personalizes online shopping, and others. AR/VR has offered an exciting way for customers to interact with products in real space and in real-time.
OnGraph: a leading eCommerce development company
The future of eCommerce, is undoubtedly exciting, evolving, and helping businesses adopt new marketing strategies to succeed.
These trends will boost eCommerce popularity. Not only this, the accelerated pace of digitization will make this change and evolution far easier. Thus businesses are leveraging and implementing these trends in their eCommerce platforms. But, sometimes, implementing it yourself is challenging. Thus you can partner with OnGraph to hire top-notch eCommerce app developers to do your job.