Did you know the average cost a business bears for data losses? Well! It is around Rs.33 Crore .It is really shocking, we know; therefore, Security is the top concern for every organization ,and M365 is capable of fighting all types of cyber-attacks. Most of the business’s owners believed that strong security features enhanced productivity and efficiency at work. Microsoft365 is a reliable platform that helps increase productivity and collaborate in real time with office colleagues. It has become an important tool for businesses to accomplish all their tasks on time.
Some of you might be pondering over how we can say that Microsoft 365 is secure for businesses. It is built with the following latest features, which are a lifesaver for all of your data.
Let us discuss some outstanding features of M365.
Basically Microsoft 365 for Business is based on four important features:
1. Identity and Access management:
There are chances that someone can misuse your identity. And to avoid this problem, Microsoft’s solution allows IT administrators to manage the identities digitally. The Microsoft i am feature lets you know about suspicious log-in attempts and tries to protect one’s identity .It allows the IT department to set the right access controls and manage which users have access to which resources.
• Unified Identity management
No matter where your apps are stored, i.e., whether they are available in the cloud or on your desktop, You have full control over managing identities.
• Smooth user experience
It is no longer necessary for the user to maintain passwords, as IAM reduces the need for and time spent doing this. Users can quickly and easily sign in to applications, thus increasing the productivity of employees.
• Protect against an unknown identity.
IAM provides strong authentication, and it helps to ensure that only registered users log in. Itprotects users against unknown identities.
2. Threat Protection
The M365 security feature protects you against email threats (phishing, spamming), data threats, application threats, and device threats.
• Safe Links
Microsoft Defender has the capability to detect safe URLs automatically; it will let you know which URLs are safe and which are not. If the URL is safe, no necessary action will be taken, and if it is not, a warning page will appear to the user.
• Safe Attachments
Advance Threat Protection from Microsoft always ensures that the attachments you are receiving from an individual are safe or not. If there is some kind of issue, the attachment will be automatically removed.
• Tracks threats easily.
Microsoft 365 for Business can easily track threats. It allows IT administrators to see the path a threat is following across the company. It also predicts the security breaches that are likely to happen.
3. Protects information
Businesses sensitive data stays secure with Microsoft Information Protection. MIP protects your data across clouds, endpoints, and applications. It lets you know that your data is safe and secures it from dangerous harm.
• Avoids data loss
Organizations can manage their sensitive data, like credit card numbers, social security numbers, financial data, and many more confidential data types, with the help of DLP policies available in the Microsoft 365 Compliance Centre.
• Classifies data easily
Individuals can manage and control the data easily. Moreover, data classification allows you to secure your delicate data across devices, regardless of where it is available.
4. Security and Risk management
The enhanced security feature of Microsoft 365 secures your business’s information from suspicious and wrong-intentioned activities.
• Information obstacle
It allows you to control the communication between users or groups so as to prevent misuse of any information related to the organization.
• Manage risks internally.
It has the capability to easily detect malicious activity and quickly act if there is any risk that is identified internally.
• Customer Lockbox
It is a feature in which you have full control over your organization’s data. You receive an email from consumer lockbox; it is in your hands whether you want Microsoft engineers to have access to your company data or not. You can accept or decline the request.
PAM stands for privilege access management; it is a tool used by IT administrators to control access to sensitive data. It can also be used by services that need sensitive information, like customer data. These are all the updated features of security in Microsoft 365 for Business. Let us move further and discuss some best practices that you can follow to protect your data, as security from both ends will keep the data safer.
Microsoft 365: Best Practices for security
There are a number of ways that you can keep your data more secure and avoid cyberthreats. Though Microsoft 365 has amazing security features, at the same time, it is your responsibility to implement some ways that will keep you safer.
✓ Secure Outlook:
Emails are the way through which cybercriminals try to attack sensitive information, so it is essential to be secure on this platform. To do this, you need to disable auto-forwarding of emails, enable anti-phishing protection, and encrypt sensitive information. You can also enable notifications to detect threats quickly.
✓ Multi-factor authentication
It is a way that is used by Microsoft to verify a registered user in two or more ways, like while logging in to the Microsoft account, it can verify the user with passwords, fingerprints, or passcodes sent on the phone.
✓ Prevents data loss
DLP policies are an effective way to manage and control sensitive information from data loss. You can activate this setting in the Microsoft 365 compliance center. DLP policies make sure that your information is not misused or lost.
✓ Message Encryption
Microsoft 365 has various message encryption capabilities that make sure that all the emails that you are receiving from clients or from employees are encrypted. Other inbuilt features include Bitlocker and TLS connections that keep your file secure.
✓ Protect against malware
Often, emails are used to communicate across the organization, and there is a risk that employees can fall into the trap of cybercriminals. So, it is better to set the devices in such a way that only the selected system will be able to send file attachments. After implementing this policy, you will be able to block file types that cybercriminals often use to snatch sensitive
Last Words:
It is important to take the necessary steps so as to avoid future chances of data loss. With the following practices, businesses can decrease the opportunities for cybercriminals. Being ahead of cyberthreats is judicious. As millions of people use M365 for business and individual purposes, Microsoft always keeps their user’s data safe by providing regular updates within the tools. It is also our responsibility to take crucial steps to keep everything related to business safe and secure.